Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Learn To Draw A Rose (part 2 of 2)

Add some petals around its center. Try to keep the lines short where they would be going down to meet the succeeding row of petals. Petals generally involve C shaped and inverted-C shaped lines. C shaped for the left side of the rose and inverted for the right side of the rose.

Try drawing the petal lines lightly first. After you have drawn the lines, that is the time you would shade. You are going to shade by smudging off the lines. Be careful when smudging, so that you won’t tear or create a hole on your paper. After smudging, strengthen back the lines. Try to make them strong and dark.

Clean Up

Clean up your drawing by carefully blowing loose dust on it. Be careful that you do not to touch the dark areas. If you do, it would get smudged again. If ever an accident like this happens, squish your kneaded eraser a couple of times. After which, use it to carefully remove the unwanted smudges.

To avoid further damage, it would be better if you press and lift rather than rub like how you would do using a normal eraser. Nevertheless, if the smudge is not right beside a line, you could just rub gently. Each time your knead eraser gets dirty; simply fold it so that the dirty part would be placed inside. Simply stretch and fold for a number of times. For sure you can get a clean surface in no time.

Things To Remember

As a guide you can use a book or a picture of a painting that has roses in it. Familiarize yourself with the rose structure. Observe the petal shapes. Usually, there’s a dip midline of a petal. Sometimes a part of it also turns over out. Add these kind of details to your drawing and you’ll have a rose in no time!

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