Saving money would probably be your biggest obligation when you start traveling, but when you have to harass a few people, pull a few strings, and do everything at the last minute, can you still expect to have some money left over at the end of the day? Economy travel would be great if you know how to get it, and even at the last minute. If you are anticipating that you will be going through a lot of last minute travel, then you may want to take note of these tips.
- Always have a great travel agent from a travel agency that knows how to handle travel mishaps. This includes last minute travel arrangements, which can drive even the best travel agencies crazy. You need to have a reliable travel agent who can be on call and efficient, so that no matter how late your last minute is, you can still get the trip that you want and not be worried that you will end up somewhere on the other side of the planet without your luggage.
- Always have info on hand about economy travel discounts. On your off times, ask about these discount travel packages, because when you do need them, they may be useful. Ask about the rates and how they change when you start doing last minute travel. Ask how far you can stretch your last minute – or, how last minute can last minute be? Ask about special discounts or packages that you may be able to avail of if you have last minute travel arrangements.
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